Indra and Jenae

Filed under : Engagement by Ben and Kirin on 20-09-2008



Indra and Jenae are typical BKM clients: young-ish, sweet, good-natured, easy-going. “Pose us however you want us,” they told us. They weren’t very experienced being in front of the camera. Again, that’s typical. I think most people you run into are not used to having a camera in their face for extended periods of time.

However, when Kirin and I started shooting pictures of these two, we were surprised at how well they did in front of our cameras. I think the sound of our shutters going off must have released their inner-Zoolanders, ’cause they sure seemed like they knew what they were doing. They were relaxed, candid, natural, and that usually results in some great photos. See for yourself…


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