Double Dragon Opening for E-40 at the 4th and B

Filed under : Event by Ben and Kirin on 29-03-2010

We first met Zealous and Lamont of Double Dragon last year when they hired us to shoot some publicity shots for them. They were just starting out then, having just played at a few free gigs at some small clubs around town. They’re really cool guys, laid-back, humble, polite to my wife–good people.

We had a fun shoot and got some good images out of that session. Well, earlier this month they asked if I could shoot some concert shots of them at their first big gig with a “name” act, opening for E-40.

I was amazed at how far they have gotten in such a short amount of time. When we first met them, they knew nothing of the business. Ya, they’re talented at what they do: they got some good beats (listen for yourself). But, more than that, they’re hungry and they hustle. Zealous tells me that a lot of their free time is spent selling tickets to their shows. And, through networking with other people in the biz, they’ve managed to make contacts with promoters and producers, people who would be able to help them move their music. They’re going to be playing at some shows in L.A. in the near future, and they hope to be shooting a new video this year. In early May, they’ll be opening for Too Short. Successful entrepreneurship: it’s a beautiful thing…

Here’s Zealous and his beautiful wife, Jeanette.

And Zealous right before he hits the stage with his bro.

Bad-ass image of Lamont…

Right after their set…

Kiss the wife…

Obligatory shot with collaborating artist, Lady X-Plicit…


I really mean it when i say BKM is the best in SD…your quality is no doubt the best I’ve seen, the moments you capture show your love for photography. I love your humbleness and the happiness you show for one and other and what you do together.

I will always recomend you (BKM) to everyone. Much Love to you both! =0)

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